Enthusiasm can enliven workplace atmosphere
Source: The Hindu,
Enthusiasm can enliven workplace atmosphere
Special Correspondent
Communication helps in creating enthusiasm
The leader should not allow anyone to sidetrack the agenda.
All negative points of an idea should be discussed openly.
"Keeping communication channels open, holding team meetings where ideas can be freely expressed and recognising outstanding achievements, go a long way to build up enthusiasm for work," says former Human Resources head and now consultant M.K. Rao. Even the employee at the entry level should be able to communicate suggestions to the top management through his or her immediate supervisor.
When it comes to making decisions for the team, the leader should be able to sit down with them and gather all views, including the minus points. If this is mentioned in reporting to the top management, the pros and cons of a decision will carry more weight, says Mr. Rao.
What often happens at team meetings is that some persons are tongue-tied while some air complaints about colleagues or to ask for special favours. The leader should be in a position to make it clear that it is not an occasion to air complaints and it is not on the agenda for the meeting. At any cost, prevent team members from sniping at one another.
Suggestions, even from newcomers, need to be taken seriously and if they are not practical, the fact should be explained patiently. What matters is that everyone feels confident enough to do some loud thinking. The minus points of a new proposal should be given enough time for open discussion.
Often suggestions for change emerge. "Rewards always don't mean a raise in salary or a special bonus," says Mr. Rao. Even putting up a picture of an outstanding team member, with a description of what he or she has done, can be the best compliment possible. It encourages others to excel and that ultimately is the goal of every organisation," says Mr. Rao.
Team games and promoting sports activities among the staff are things many HR managers take seriously, as also picnics in which the families are involved.
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